Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery is a conceptual approach that consists in automatizing actions done on applications throughout their life cycle such as tests, integration or delivery in order to accelerate their development.

For more information on the global topic, please refer to :

In the Tramex project, CI/CD is used for deployment and tests. There are three files :

The files use the .yml format which is a human-readable serialization language. It is used to translate a data structure from a language to another.

The file gives precisions on the running context and the steps to follow. Each step has a name and corresponds to an action such as command execution.

Deployment file

This file is executed when a push command is performed on the main branch of the GIT repository. It can be ran automatically when trying to push or manually from the Action tab.

The targets of the deployment file are the GitHub Pages. GitHub Pages is a static site hosting service that publishes a website using either HTML, CSS or JavaScript files stored on a GitHub repository. For more information on this topic, please refer to :

The deployment file follows the recommended steps which are the configuration of the pages, the cargo cache and the mdbook, the build, the coverage and finally the deployment.

In the Rust language, the cargo command corresponds to the run command. Once the script is executed, it builds the output in a specific location. In our case, the cargo cache is used for fastest results.

The website is built using the trunk command. It is important not to forget the --release flag in order to optimize the performances and the size of the output code. It is also necessary to use the --public-url flag because Tramex is stored on domain (so in the folder tramex/ - a relative url). To ease the deployment, all the built files are stored in the dist directory.

The coverage step corresponds to the measurement of the quantity of tested code. The output is automatically saved in a specific location but using the rsync command, the output is relocated in the dist directory as well.

In the Tramex application, it is possible to open documentation from the About section. This documentation appears as a website and is generated from the mdbook. mdbook is static site generator that publishes a website using markdown (.md) files. The mdbook is also set up, then it transforms all .md files located in the docs folder of the repository and output the result in the dist directory (as configured in the configuration file of mdbook (

Finally the whole content of the dist directory is deployed to GitHub Pages.

After the deployment, the accessible URLs are:

Tests file

This file is executed when a push command is performed or when a pull is requested on the main branch of the Git repository. It is used to test code before any new modification is accepted in order to preserve the consistency of the Tramex code through the development.

The Tests file sets up the cargo cache, builds the project and runs the tests implemented in the cargo test command on the whole workspace. The --verbose flag is used to facilitate the debugging in the event of an error.

WASM file

WASM stands for Web ASseMbly.

This file is executed when a push command is performed or when a pull is requested on the main branch of the Git repository. It is used to test code before any new modification is accepted in order to preserve the consistency of the Tramex code through the development. Unlike the Tests file that runs tests on the consistency of the global code, the WASM file specifically tests the build of the wasm rust target (made by trunk).


typos.yml is a file that is executed when a push command is performed or when a pull is requested on the main branch of the Git repository. It is used to check the spelling of the documentation. It uses the typos command to check the spelling.

If a false positive is detected, it is possible to add the word to the typos.toml file in the root of the repository.