Knowledge base

Copy pasting in the browser

To enable copy-pasting in the browser, you will need to add the --cfg=web_sys_unstable_apis flag. For more information, please refer to the following links :


Code coverage made by cargo-llvm-cov is available at

CORS Errors

If the website is running on HTTPS, connections to insecure endpoints (like ws instead of wss) are forbidden because of CORS. There are four options to solve this issue:

  • disable CORS in your browser
  • add an SSL certificate to your ws server
  • use a WS proxy to translate the ws connection to a secure one (wss)
  • use a local WS proxy to remove CORS issue
# example of a local WS proxy (and with a origin header) using npx
npx @n4n5/proxy-ws -t ws:// -h '{"origin":"toto"}'
# will redirect ws:// -> ws://
# cors will not be an issue anymore with the local address

Compilation crash

In certain cases, the compilation may heavily use the CPU and slow down the computer. This is due to the cargo process that is using all the available CPU. To solve this issue, you can use the --jobs flag to limit the number of jobs that cargo can run in parallel. Note that on linux, you can use the nproc command to get the number of available CPUs.

cargo build --jobs 10

# or
cargo build -j 10

Another simple solution is to create a ~/.cargo/config.toml file and add the following content:

jobs = 10

Change file list from url

Using search parameters, you can change the file list from a url. For example, to change the file list from, you can use the following url: